I made myself some pretty big shoes, wouldn'tcha say?

I mean, for serious, those first two posts are great. Too great. I felt so pressured to maintain that par of blog that I couldn't perform. Until now, safely after the holiday season and into HolyHell This Weather is Weird Enough to Blog About, b.k.a. Early Springtime in the ATL. I don't know that much has changed since November anyway, oh except we Pandas are officially engaged now and have even sent out Save the Date's for our wedding. WHWAT!?!?!

I'm far along into the party planning and now awaiting the 90 day mark upon which I may ask permission to reserve the venue. Let's all just hope "they" say yes, I'm not ready to consider the alternatives at this point in time because I'm also taking some online classes to finally finish my B.A!?!? yep, that too.

Anyway, about this wedding, this blog is going to also serve as our wedding website for insight on our strangeness, so I apologize if you thought you were just stopping by for some reviews of Atlanta cuisine. I hardly ever remember to do that, always suffering from the "itis" and shhhiiishhtuff. ***NOTE TO SELF, blog about H. Harper Station and that amazing baked Alaska, you even took pictures, now quit being the world's best procrastinator and put them online, YEAH, SELF, GETITOGETHERYO***

so, about this wedding... We're doing our best to have a low-impact affair. The goal is minimal effect on the environment (using recyclable rather than disposable goods wherever possible, excluding live flowers from the decorations, utilizing local companies that share our environmental ethics) and also minimal effect on the wallet (which many of you may know is surprisingly difficult when planning a large affair). And about the largeness of the affair, my sweet fiance keeps handing out Save The Date's to people we know casually from local hangouts. So really, you're all invited, seating is somewhat limited. Details to follow.

Truly it would be ideal for the wedding to turn into a neighborhood festival, we both love that feature of summertime in Atlanta and it would make the vendors more eager to participate at reduced cost to us. Also, who doesn't want a bouncy castle at their wedding? Really? If it was white and covered in flowers and tulle? and surrounded by dancing ponies? mmhmm...  I thought so.

The best weddings that I've ever been to are a celebration of the couple's individuality, with an emphasis on having a good time. We created the Save the Date's to temper the formality of this event hopefully the guests will receive them and say "I can't wait to go to this party!" rather than "Time to dust off the ol'penguin suit". In fact the only penguin suits allowed would literally be a penguin costume, warn by a member of the waitstaff. Laugh if you want, we were brainstorming the other night and this seemed like an awesome idea to us.
So, consider yourselves warned. (Note the absence of smiley face here, please. In no way do I want you to think I'm kidding. This party will be fun. And weird. Seriously.)